Embracing Orthodox Christian Traditions at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Welcome to Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Norwich! We are an enthusiastic community devoted to sharing Christ’s love with everyone who steps through our doors. Our foundation lies in the time-honored Orthodox Christian tradition, passed down to us from the apostles themselves.

Bilingual Worship Services for More Impact
Our services are offered in both English and Greek, ensuring that our worship is both accessible and significant for all attendees.
Divine Liturgy and Enriching Hymns
We celebrate the Divine Liturgy every Sunday and on major feast days throughout the year.
Altar Servers Supporting the Priest during Sacred Services
Our chanters enhance our worship with captivating hymns and melodies, while our altar servers aid the priest during the sacred services.

Nurturing Faith and Community through Ministries and Programs
Beyond our regular worship services, we provide a range of ministries and programs for all age groups.
Youth Ministries: GOYA, JOY, HOPE, and Sunday School
Our youth ministries, such as GOYA, JOY, HOPE, and Sunday School, create opportunities for young people to explore their faith, make friends, and serve others.
Women’s Philoptochos Society: Local and Global Charitable Efforts
Our thriving Women’s Philoptochos Society actively supports various charitable endeavors, both locally and worldwide.

Committed Leadership and Inclusive Atmosphere
A dedicated team of clergy and lay leader guides our parish, working collaboratively to strengthen the church and cater to our community’s needs.
Clergy and Parish Council Strengthening the Church Community
We are dedicated to cultivating a warm and inclusive atmosphere, inviting everyone to experience
Experiencing Christ’s Love and Orthodox Worship
Christ’s love and the richness of Orthodox worship.
Join Us for Worship and Fellowship at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
We appreciate your visit to our website and warmly invite you to join us for worship and fellowship at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Norwich.
Helpful Links
The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Explore the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, offering resources and information about the Orthodox Christian faith, its history, teachings, and more.
Orthodox Christian Network (OCN)
Visit the Orthodox Christian Network for engaging content, podcasts, and articles that provide insight into Orthodox Christianity’s spiritual life and practices.